Schools and parents struggle with the constant fear of keeping the children away from unpleasant situations and keeping them safe. Tracking of hundreds of students throughout the day is a very tough job to do. But in spite of all adversities, student’s security and well being cannot be compromised. Such a worry is made easy with the introduction of School Bus GPS Tracking Device.

School Bus tracking system has a GPS device installed in the bus which is connected with the GPS server in the school. Through this server, school can track their fleet in a more efficient and smart way. There are many benefits of the School Bus GPS Tracking device:

1. School administration can now pre plan the routes of the bus, stoppage and dropping time of each student.

2. Any unjustified deviation from the planned route, exceeding the speed of the bus beyond limit or delay can be tracked and fixed.

3. Undesired attitude of the driver or helping staff can be caught on time and efforts can be made to rectify the issue.

4. Fleet management can improve drastically with installation of School Bus GPS tracking system.

5. In case immediate help is needed, Panic SMS can be send by the driver to the school. This can enable the school to take a swift action.

Various schools have come up with an app based service too. Once installed in a smart phone, parents can track the real time location of the school bus through live tracking. This app also provide other important features like pick and drop alerts, notification for the child reaching the school safely, analysis of the behavior of the driver, attendance tracking and much more.

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